
이집트 성각문자 분류기 Egyptian Hieroglyph Classifier

This app can identify 23 ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs from a user's handwritten input. The recognizable characters include: 𓐍, 𓂋, 𓂝, 𓂧, 𓃀, 𓄡, 𓄿, 𓅓, 𓅱, 𓆓, 𓆑, 𓇋, 𓈎, 𓈖, 𓈙, 𓊃, 𓉔, 𓊪, 𓋴, 𓍿, 𓎛, 𓎡, 𓎼, 𓏏.. To use the app, simply draw a single hieroglyph in the left box and click the "Recognize" button below. The identified text will appear in the right box after a few seconds. Please note that the initial run may take over a minute due to server performance issues. If you encounter an error unrelated to font issues, refresh the page. For font-related problems, visit this page and install the "Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyph" font.